Número especial (Land) sobre ciudades resilientes al cambio climático. Abierta recepción de artículos.

La Dra. Sandra Ricart Casadevall (Universidad de Alicante, Politecnico di Milano) coordina, junto a los profesores Carlo Berizzi (Università di Pavia) y David Saurí (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) en la revista Land (ISSN 2073-445X) un número especial sobre ciudades resilientes al cambio climático desde la perspectiva de la gestión del agua en los espacios públicos. Se trata de una magnífica oportunidad para contribuir en un aspecto clave para la gestión del cambio climático en el futuro cercano.

Se adjunta la información de la convocatoria de aportaciones, así como un PDF con toda la información. Para consultas específicas o dudas acerca de las contribuciones, se puede contactar directamente con la Dra. Sandra Ricart.

Dear colleague,

Land journal (ISSN 2073-445X, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/land) is currently running a Special Issue entitled «Framing Resilient Cities: Water and Public Spaces to Face Climate Change», serving Prof.Dr. Sandra Ricart (University of Alicante), Prof.Dr. Carlo Berizzi (University of Pavia), and Prof.Dr. David Saurí (Autonomous University of Barcelona) as Guest Editors.

For this Special Issue, we are interested in contributions that investigate and reflect the importance of water resources inside contemporary cities to face climate change through either empirical research or conceptual/theoretical works, examining any key processes. Contributions at the intersection of geography, political ecology, architecture, engineering, and urbanism are especially welcome, but contributions from other human–environment fields at the forefront of water and public space in the climate change context are also highly welcome. Regional and scalar diversity in contributions is also desired.

As Guest Editor of this Special Issue, we think that you could make an excellent contribution based on your expertise. Land journal obtained an Impact Factor of 3.395 in the 2020 Edition of the Journal Citation Reports®, ranking Q2 in the category ‘Environmental Studies (SSCI)’, guaranteeing excellence in the dissemination of your research.

More information about this Special Issue, such as the general aim and possible topics, is attached to this email and can also be found here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/land/special_issues/city_water_climate

The deadline for submission is 30 June 2022. 

If you are interested in this Special Issue, please feel free to contact me or contact the editorial board athannah.tian@mdpi.com (or land@mdpi.com), and send the tentative proposal. Likewise, you can share this invitation to your colleagues and team-mates. 

Manuscripts can also be submitted directly at: http://susy.mdpi.com/user/manuscripts/upload?journal=land.

We will be more than happy to offer our assistance and we are looking forward to receiving your contribution to this event. 


Sandra Ricart, Carlo Berizzi and David Saurí

Guest Editors

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